Monday, July 31, 2006

Photo Safari

We went out for our first professional photo shoot today and from what my mother has told me, Alexandria is just as cooperative as I was when getting my picture made. We left extra early so we could eat before our appointment if we were interested. Of course, we weren't interested and couldn't even be roused at 3:30. Then, at 4, we arrived at the studio and as soon as the stroller stopped moving we were screaming. Two hours later we were finally finished. Mom was covered in spit-up, Alexandria was as mad as could be, the photo lady was happy to see us go, and we ordered some very cute photos. Hopefully our next photo shoot will go better.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Getting Into The Swing Of Things

Well, our little angel is now over 3 weeks old and officially back above her birth weight. Last Friday at her 118th Dr.'s appointment she weighed in at 8 lbs, 6.5 oz and was declared a happy, healthy baby. We are getting used to everything and starting to get in a little pattern. Jason went back to work on Friday night so I lost my good helper. Now when she gets up and wants to eat, I have to change her, carry her into the living room, feed her, burp her, swaddle her back up, put her to sleep and then I can get back in bed. I used to just be responsible for the food part. Is one person really supposed to handle all of this???!!! I think I may have gotten spoiled. Well, little Alexandria has already slept through the night and rolled over from her tummy to her back! I think the rolling over was mostly out of anger for being put down on her tummy. She doesn't seem to care for that position. But we're trying to give her "tummy time" so she doesn't get that flat head thing. We actually have no appointments, activities, requirements, etc. tomorrow! I think that's a first for a weekday. Things get rolling again on Tuesday. Well, everything is going great here. For those of you who are still reading these blogs, Alexandria really appreciates your comments so feel free to leave a little message!

Friday, July 21, 2006



Well, it has been an...eventful(?) two weeks since our little miracle came into our lives. We are all doing well and are glad to be working toward some sense of normalcy. Alexandria went to the doctor this morning and was told her jaundice is doing quite well and she didn't even have to get a blood test! She has really been a trooper with her heel sticks and light therapy but we seem to have that all behind us now. She hasn't gained any weight in the last week, seems to be in a holding pattern at 7 lbs 15 oz. We are going to the lactation consultant today to see if we can improve our feeding. The doctor wasn't worried since she knows we've been under quite a bit of stress but we will go back next week for another check-up. As far as momma, I am doing well. In case you didn't know, I ended up back in the hospital for blood clots in my lungs. Apparently pregnancy and the post partum period you are at an increased risk of developing clots and I seemed to have done that. I guess I didn't bother to read that chapter of "What To Expect When You're Expecting". I was released Tuesday afternoon and am under the care of a wonderful hematolagist who is making sure my blood stays unclotty. I'm feeling well and am not having any more discomfort from the clots. I'm also taking megadoses of iron for anemia and I should be doing better in that department soon. Everything else is great! It's so nice to be at home and to be able to take care of my little angel. She is still just as perfect as can be!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Just a moment for comment on Alexandria's arrival

Well, we have a real live little human being! As I'm sure everyone already knows after quite a few hours of unproductive (but relatively painless thanks to the miracle of modern medicine) labor we landed ourselves in the OR for a c-section. Little Alexandria made her arrival at 11:25 pm on Thursday, July 6th. Everything went well and we are happily recovering at home. We're currently having a little jaundice problem but hopefully it will be cleared up soon and we will be up and running. We made our first trip out into the world for a Dr's. appointment and we did very well. The little one slept the whole way there, screamed the entire time she was in the office, and slept the whole way home. We get to go back tomorrow morning for another blood test and hopefully things will go just as well. Hope you enjoy her first pictures!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Baby tomorrow!!

Well, for those of you who may not have heard or are in areas without telephones, we will be going into the hospital tomorrow morning to be induced. So we should have a little one to play with sometime tomorrow! We will be at Harris Hospital south of downtown. All visitors are welcome. Visitors with snacks are even more welcome. If you have any questions please call Jason or me!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Independence baby?

Thought I would throw a tempting title out there to see if anyone gets excited and then dash your hopes by telling you that I am still sitting comfortably at home and our little camper is still in her happy little amniotic tent. Looks like making holiday plans didn't encourage her to come along and try to ruin them. Rats. We watched the shuttle launch this afternoon. In case that was not on your agenda, everything went well. I'm now settling in to watch the Monk marathon that TiVo so generously captured for me. Hope everyone out there in blogland has a happy 4th!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

No change

Well, there's still no baby as of 2:25 am on July 2nd. Last Thursday at our appointment we had a sonogram and got to see our little girl! She was pretty cute and quite a bit bigger than the last time we saw her. She looked anxious to be born... The dr. said she wasn't big enough to be concerned about inducing but he thinks she will make an appearance this week. We will see! Maybe she will have a July 4th birthday. We can tell her we got her that fireworks display for her birthday every year! I'm having more contractions and am dilated about 1 cm. Our next appointment is Wednesday, assuming we're not in the hospital! Keep your fingers crossed that we don't go another 2 weeks!!!