Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Daddy's not as smart as he used to be!

Today marked our first oral surgery as a threesome. Jason had his wisdom teeth out and is recovering well. If I only had a video camera there then I could show everyone how funny he was after coming out of surgery. It was awesome! I can't even explain. Alexandria slept through the whole thing. She is handling it quite well.
We had a fun weekend with Aunt Julie B. in town. A-Griff has her own car seat in Grandmommy's van now! She was quite tired but managed to recover on Monday. She spent the day sleeping, eating, smiling, and making things in a diaper. That's about how she spends every day, now that I come to think of it. Well, I hear someone fussing so I best go take care of her. She probably wants to eat. Again. She's totally already eaten today, she should be fine. We only feed Rocky once a day and he does well. And he was housebroken by this time. She better get after it!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Long days, short nights

We are getting well into the groove of things here at Griffin central. Little princess is happily settled into her home and has completely taken over everything. She is eating well, gaining weight, making poo, etc. She has decided that she loves to swing and move. We can pretty much keep her happy as long as she is moving. Which means we keep moving. We are still trying to get the hang of "activity time". We like to fiddle with her a little after she eats but if we mess with her for too long she gets "overtired" and doesn't want to go down for a nap. She had a fun time with her Grandmother (Jan) this weekend and can't wait for Aunt Julie to come in town this weekend!