Saturday, September 30, 2006

official announcement

I am withholding stories and pictures until I receive comments!!! I need comments!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New Pictures!!

We're getting so big!! Alex just talks all the time (oooh aaah) and is the smilingist thing you've ever seen!!! She was so good for her pictures!!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Our First Accident

Well, Mommy was a bad mommy tonight and little Alex got a booboo on her head. But she seems unfazed. We had a massive spit-up incident (clothes, burp cloth, boppy, couch, mommy's clothes, floor, dog, etc...) and went to take an emergency bath. Not that we didn't need a bath but we just weren't planning on taking it in that particular 3 minute period. Well, you know how...energetic..Alexandria is and she wasn't too thrilled with the washing and she kicked up and bumped her head on the side of the baby tub. Then mommy freaked out and called grandmommy and was brought back to reality. She's happily sleeping now, all clean and fresh. I think that just goes to show me that the child can't take 9 oz. at one sitting even if she acts like she really really really wants it. We're going to have to learn some restraint. All of us. Come to think of it, this isn't really our first accident. There was the time that I pinched her leg in the car seat (car seat has since been returned for a base that clips in to carrier) and of course when I ran Jason's truck into a pole with Alexandria in the back. Luckily everyone was more concerned with her safety than the condition of the truck! I squeaked by on that one! Well, Grandaddy is safely home and doing better. FYI Julie, he wore his jeans and belt home. I think he had them on ready to go with shoes and socks before I even got through the door to the room. I haven't even touched a belt in a year!