Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Piggy back rides can be fun but messy

Ok, I don't have a lot to write about but we had a funny incident today. Jason fed the little one who seems to be getting better about not spitting up so much. I think the only times she did were this morning at church/lunch. Not bad for a 3.7 month old. Well, she was bored and Jason was tired of watching "America's Next Top Model" so he put her up on his shoulders for a little different view of the room. He asked how she looked and I was giggiling (sp??) at her chewing on his hair when she pulled away and there was a little pile of spit up on his head! We didn't see that one coming, did we? I just about fell off the couch. No one else found it quite as amusing as me. If only I could have gotten a picture. If anything else funny happens I'll be sure to pass it along!