Sunday, July 30, 2006

Getting Into The Swing Of Things

Well, our little angel is now over 3 weeks old and officially back above her birth weight. Last Friday at her 118th Dr.'s appointment she weighed in at 8 lbs, 6.5 oz and was declared a happy, healthy baby. We are getting used to everything and starting to get in a little pattern. Jason went back to work on Friday night so I lost my good helper. Now when she gets up and wants to eat, I have to change her, carry her into the living room, feed her, burp her, swaddle her back up, put her to sleep and then I can get back in bed. I used to just be responsible for the food part. Is one person really supposed to handle all of this???!!! I think I may have gotten spoiled. Well, little Alexandria has already slept through the night and rolled over from her tummy to her back! I think the rolling over was mostly out of anger for being put down on her tummy. She doesn't seem to care for that position. But we're trying to give her "tummy time" so she doesn't get that flat head thing. We actually have no appointments, activities, requirements, etc. tomorrow! I think that's a first for a weekday. Things get rolling again on Tuesday. Well, everything is going great here. For those of you who are still reading these blogs, Alexandria really appreciates your comments so feel free to leave a little message!

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