Friday, July 21, 2006


Well, it has been an...eventful(?) two weeks since our little miracle came into our lives. We are all doing well and are glad to be working toward some sense of normalcy. Alexandria went to the doctor this morning and was told her jaundice is doing quite well and she didn't even have to get a blood test! She has really been a trooper with her heel sticks and light therapy but we seem to have that all behind us now. She hasn't gained any weight in the last week, seems to be in a holding pattern at 7 lbs 15 oz. We are going to the lactation consultant today to see if we can improve our feeding. The doctor wasn't worried since she knows we've been under quite a bit of stress but we will go back next week for another check-up. As far as momma, I am doing well. In case you didn't know, I ended up back in the hospital for blood clots in my lungs. Apparently pregnancy and the post partum period you are at an increased risk of developing clots and I seemed to have done that. I guess I didn't bother to read that chapter of "What To Expect When You're Expecting". I was released Tuesday afternoon and am under the care of a wonderful hematolagist who is making sure my blood stays unclotty. I'm feeling well and am not having any more discomfort from the clots. I'm also taking megadoses of iron for anemia and I should be doing better in that department soon. Everything else is great! It's so nice to be at home and to be able to take care of my little angel. She is still just as perfect as can be!

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